Phone: 800-230-2891
How long in business: 2009
Company Background
Rich Allen’s Sports Betting Professor Company Description: …You haven’t won in the past and you will continue to lose until something radically changes. Seriously, it’s impossible for you to make money betting on sports. The truth is… It’s Not Your Fault. The truth is the odds are stacked against you. Now you might follow ESPN religiously, you keep up with the NFL Network, NBA TV, you watch all the experts they march out every week – Hell you might be in 3 different Fantasy leagues. That’s all well and good but even with all that… You still manage to lose money. Do you know why? It’s because you don’t have the right tools. But here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be that way and my sports betting systems are here to help. You CAN win consistently betting on sports! Hi I’m Rich Allen the Sports Betting Professor and I was once right where you are now: dreaming of becoming a successful sports bettor. I did all my homework and I knew as much about every team, statistic and injury report that a person could possibly hope to learn but at the end of the season… I’d still lose money!..
Sports Handicapper(s): Rich Allen
Covering these sports:
NFL, College Football, NBA, College Basketball, MLB, NHL and other sports
Sports Handicapping Pricing
Free Sports Picks: N/A
Daily Pick Price: N/A
Weekly Package Price: N/A
Monthly Package Price: $5
Our Handicapping Review of Rich Allen’s Sports Betting Professor
What to expect: First and foremost, the site looks like a spam site in our humble opinion, since it requires a user to enter an email address to get free content. It is not selling picks it is selling a “system” that will supposedly help you win big. We feel very uncomfortable with this site. Also, it made us feel like it is spammy site because the first headline offered is a claim that a bettor who followed “all” the picks would have increased his/her bet of $100 to over $21,000. There is no support to this data point but it reminds us of the possibility of selection bias. The testimonials are excerpted quotes and also make us feel uncomfortable with the risk of bias. There is no good free content provided and the biography of the handicapper seems dubious. The pricing is relatively high, but there is at least a $5 trial period for content and the handicapper does cover all the major sports. Overall, the site is a bit circumspect and seems skeptical in the veracity of the content. The testimonials are suspicious, and the site comes off as a very sales heavy tone with regards to the biography and reasons to use the content. We just do not feel comfortable about this service.
Our Rating:
Mystery Shopper Ratings
Customer Service:
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